Ever feel like Chicken Little these days: worried that the sky is falling and everything around us is collapsing? Now, on top of everything else going on in the world we have the World Health Organization (WHO) announcing the swine flu has reached pandemic status. This is just what we all need: one more thing for us to worry & stress about. But do we need to worry?

Just the word “pandemic” sounds ominous, as if massive illness and death is immediately eminent. But, it is not as bad as it sounds. A pandemic refers to the spread of the flu virus among humans around the world, not to the severity of the illness. The WHO recognizes this flu is being spread world wide at fairly rapid pace. As it turns out, the severity of the swine flu may not be quite as bad as initially predicted. Although there is a close watch on how it is spreading, and whether or not the severity is changing.

The swine flu is spreading fairly rapidly. On May 2, 2009, there were 160 cases in the entire U.S., and 658 cases in 16 countries world wide. On May 3, 2009, those numbers increased to 226 cases in the U.S. and 898 cases in 18 countries world wide.  (Let’s all go to Hawaii for vacation. There are no flu cases there!!) If you want an update, in the U.S. go to http://http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/index.htm; for world statistics go to http://www.who.int/csr/disease/swineflu/en/index.html.  

With only about 900 cases in the entire world of nearly 7 billion people, chances are you do not know anyone who has the swine flu. If we keep focused on the present moment and our current surroundings, there is no need to be stressed and worried about catching the swine flu virus. Precautions are wise to stay healthy in general, and as related to the swine flu this is no different. In order to stay healthy, you must avoid being stressed! Even the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) emphasizes simple, common sense precautions:

“What should I do to keep from getting the flu?
First and most important: wash your hands. Try to stay in good general health. Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food. Try not to touch surfaces that may be contaminated with the flu virus. Avoid close contact with people who are sick.”

There is such an abundance of talk about this swine flu on the news that it may make you feel stressed about the urgency of the situation. But, read the precautions again. They are just what our mothers always told us: 

  • Wash your hands  
  • Get plenty of sleep  
  • Do not get overtired or overly stressed
  • Stay home if you are sick.

Stress lowers your immune system. In order to maintain a strong immune system avoid getting stressed. Of course, the media folks love to instill fear and stress and make us feel like the whole world will be infected soon. Perhaps the flu will spread. Schools will be closed. But worrying about the flu pandemic will not make it better, nor will it make it worse. Preparation is a good thing, but worry is not.

Remember the Y2K hysteria? In 1999 many people were in a panic that all systems would collapse because computer systems would crash when the year turned to 2000. There was much speculation, worry, and doom predicted. Well, nothing much happened when the year rolled over to 2000. But that is only because many software engineers and computer programmers worked very long, hard hours to ensure that all computer systems were updated to accept the year 00. There was indeed great cause for concern which led people to take correct action and precautions to avoid potential disaster. As a result, when 1/1/00 arrived life moved forward smoothly.

I like to think of this flu pandemic as the same thing. The smart people with the authority to make decisions have put in place precautionary plans to stay ahead of the flu before it becomes a crisis. Yes, there is great cause for concern and precautions should be taken. So take precautions, but no worries please!

Keep from getting caught up in the group thoughts of fear and avoid stress over the flu. Keep your focus on your immediate surroundings. Watch what you are thinking. Avoid saying anything that resembles, “I know I’ll get the flu; everyone around me is sick.” Delete that from your consciousness immediately! Go wash your hands and put a new sound track into your thoughts! Shift your thoughts, your perceptions, your focus and say, “I am healthy and I have an immune system as strong as a brick wall to keep me healthy.” Even if you do not believe it at first, just pretend. Say this out loud every time you find your self worrying about the flu pandemic and eventually you will believe it.

Hopefully I’ve convinced you to stop stressing over the swine flu. You have enough other things to pay attention to I’m sure. So, delete worries about the flu. Say, “I am healthy and vibrant!” Visualize yourself healthy and strong. Then, go wash your hands and get plenty of sleep!

Wishing you good health,
