As I passed the guy asking for money on the street corner the other day, I thought, “I wonder what choices he made in his life such that he ended up in this position now.”  This quote from Albert Camus is a very good reminder to us that where we are today is the result of choices we made in the past.

Do you ever go through life on auto-pilot? From the moment you decide to get out of bed to the moment you choose to go to sleep you make a kazillion choices, or decisions, every day. Most things do not really seem like “choices” but every action you take, or do not take, is making a choice. Every choice leads us down one path or another: the people we meet, the opportunities that present themselves, and how we spend our days. Have you thought enough about the life you want in the future to be sure the choices you make today will get you there?

Start to pay attention to what you choose to do throughout the day. What would happen if you made a different choice? It might be as simple as choosing to take a different route to work in the morning. Who knows, you might see something that inspires you or meet someone new. Take an opportunity to make a different choice than usual for some event, or events, during the day and see what happens. Reflect on this for a few days and next week I’ll continue on this topic.
